お問い合わせは インドネシア旅行社 03-3409-1711 まで 

招聘状 [インビテ−ションレター] サンプル

A4サイズ レターヘッド  インドネシア語又は英語で記入

数次業務査証を希望の場合は( )内に必ずmultipleを記入のこと

日付., 日、月、2011

Dear Sirs,

 We have the pleasure of advising you that we wish to invite the following person to our country

in order to have ---目 的---
.(業務査証を申請する場合、目的欄に working とは書かないで下さい)

 氏 名 (渡航者氏名)

 Please accept our invitation, and we would appreciate it very much if you could kindly send him

to our country at the ---出発日---, on 日、月、2011

for a stay of about 60 days,.
(as his first visit and may invite him several times in one year・・・・

 We are looking forward to receiving your confirmation as soon as possible.

Very truly yours,

